Crash Detection

Now that the coupon platform is available, we will focus our attention on our users’ safety and security in case of vehicular accidents.

Nearly 1.25 million people die in road crashes each year. An additional 20 to 50 million are injured or disabled. More than half of these road traffic deaths occur among young adults ages 15-44. (Association for Safe International Road Travel, n.d.)

As a result, we started work on our very own crash detection platform.


As with our panic button, our crash detection app will be completely portable.

Not only within the confines of your property, but almost anywhere you may go, provided that you have either, internet connectivity or cellular reception.

Emergency Contacts

The app will allow you to list up to four (4) emergency contacts, to be alerted in case of emergency.


In an attempt to ensure delivery your emergency contacts will be notified via both SMS and WhatsApp, simultaneously.

Audible Confirmation

Upon activation the user will receive an audible confirmation that the crash was successfully detected. We do this for two reasons.

  1. To prevent the user from having to check their device to verify activation, since they may be incapacitated.
  2. To prevent false alarms, since the user will be alerted to accidental triggers, allowing them the timely opportunity to cancel and thereby update their emergency contacts and services.

Cancelling False Alarms

Users may accidentally trigger a false alarm by throwing or dropping their phone, at which point they will receive an audible alert notifying them of their error.

The user will then have the timely opportunity to cancel the false alarm, at which point all his or her emergency contacts will receive an update informing them of the false alarm.

Emergency Services

Apart from the user’s own emergency contacts, we will also rally existing emergency services, including ambulance services 1, fire brigades 2, and law enforcement 3. (Head, 2018; Oukula, 2015)


  1. Ambulance services like ER24 and NetCare 911.
  2. Fire brigades like that of the City of Tshwane.
  3. Law enforcement, like the South African Police Services (SAPS) and highway patrol.


  1. Association for Safe International Road Travel (n.d.) Annual Global Road Crash Statistics. Retrieved from 
  2. Head, T. (2018, November 12) Nine emergency numbers in South Africa that need saving in your phone. The South African. Retrieved from
  3. Oukula, O. (2015, July 29) 3 emergency numbers you should have on speed dial and how they work. CapeTalk. Retrieved from

Coupon platform launched

It is with great pleasure that we announce the public beta launch of DELIVA’s Direct Marketing Platform – an international, location-aware, curated, public deals platform for both online and offline businesses.

The platform is just the first of many coming to DELIVA.


DELIVA has been in development since January 2019.

We spent almost a week prototyping the original concept, after which we spent many a weekend video conferencing.


The coupon section of DELIVA now features four tabs, including:

  • Near Me, which displays all the offers, by distance from the user’s current location.
  • A-Z, which sorts all the offers within 100 kilometers of the user’s current location in alphabetical order.
  • Categories, which sorts all the offers within 100 kilometers of the user’s current location into categories: accommodation, etc.
  • Travel, (coming soon) will assist users in planning outings, road trips and getaways to remote locations.


New discount offers are being added daily.

All our offers are manually verified to prevent redundant offers from slipping through the cracks.

Currently, we only have a handful of offers available, which will increase dramatically as our network of agents, agencies and advertisers expand.

NOTE: We need more agents and agencies to represent our platform.


From time-to-time we may also include a handful of promotional entries from affiliate partners. These entries are normally identified as a PROMOTION. 

Promotions do not feature discount codes. Savings are automatically applied by simply launching the website and registering.


DELIVA is currently only available on Google Android in public beta via the Google Play App Store.

NOTE: The app will be ported to iOS soon.


At this point you are probably wondering, how do I get my company, products or services on this platform?

Advertising is really simple. Just contact EJ Hill at

Shout Outs

We would also like to take this opportunity to thank all our partners, who made this launch possible.

  • Stephen Diederichs of Studio 137 Digital Media Solutions, who developed our mobile app, website, and backoffice administrative system.
  • Joseph Beltran of Toreno Design, who designed the graphic user interfaces of our mobile app, website, and backoffice, as well as our promotional materials and stationery.
  • EJ Hill of DELIVA International, who innovated the various concepts, formulated our marketing strategies, and maintained our social networking profiles.
  • Arno Hill of SOHO Systems, who assisted with prototyping, and also managing our administration and accounting.